Brokoli’s First Progress Report
Greetings, Brokolians!
Brokoli Network is pleased to release the first development update.
Brokoli is a mix of climate-friendly DeFi, Metaverse, and NFTs. That’s the idea behind the Brokoli team’s efforts to bring it all to exist for you to utilize as well as enjoy.
BROs with NFTs
The NFT BRO collection has been FINALIZED and is now available for use as your profile images. Your avatars in the Brokoli Metaverse of digital woods will be NFT BROs. This is the digital world where you can see all of the good things you’ve accomplished by utilizing the items.
Rarity levels:
1. Common NFT BROs
2. Special NFT BROs
3. Rare NFT BROs
4. Epic NFT BROs
5. Legendary NFT BROs
Within the metaverse, all rarities will have diverse uses. While all BROs are equal, the mythology claims that some are more equal than others.
Soon, you’ll learn about minting your NFT BRO.
Green DEX Aggregator Alpha
Brokoli’s primary layer of having an effect is the DeFi stuff that plants trees with every transaction you do, because it’s a combo of climate-positive DeFi, Metaverse, and NFTs.
The following is the order in which everything happens:
i. Make use of Brokoli goods,
ii. Every order includes a free tree planting,
iii. Select a location for the trees to be planted,
iv. Get NFT Trees, a virtual depiction of your actual trees,
v. Showcase your impact,
vi. Trade your impact.
Brokoli’s initial product, the green DEX aggregator, plants trees for every token trade you do. The product will be released in phases so that the team could gather input from the public and make adjustments to provide the greatest possible user experience.
Brokoli is first launching the alpha version. The team has said that the alpha will be available in two weeks. Brokoli will offer partners, influencers, and the community access to the Alpha next week.
What Exactly is an Alpha?
A user interface that allows you to experience the product by clicking on it. All features will be implemented in phases and will be updated regularly. The switching functionality with charts will be included in the alpha, but climate effect tracking and other features will be added later.
BSC will be used to build the DEX Aggregator initially. Brokoli is now linked to Pancakeswap, and the team is experimenting with stablecoin pairs including USDT, USDC, and BUSD.
The team is experimenting with stablecoins to determine how best to compute the estimated effect in trees planted so that the team can demonstrate impact at the moment of transaction.
The alpha version will include a restricted set of functions and a clickable user interface. It will be the first round of gathering input from the community.
The following functionalities are covered in the alpha:
1. The layout of the homepage: it is the product’s representation.
2. Feature of swapping
3. Token search: hardcoded tokens are supported.
4. Connection to a wallet that is rudimentary
5. Swap option.
The alpha has been examined with stablecoins such as:
Subsequent versions will include the following:
1. Explorer for the prices of tokens (similar to coinmarketcap).
2. Trades in the EUR/USD currency pair.
3. Real-time tracking.
4. Asset monitoring, as well as other services.
Look for more BRO NFT instances HERE.
Are you looking forward to what’s to come?
More information will be available soon.
Keep an eye out for updates.
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